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Care plan reports | A mockup of Qwikify's care plan templates.

Create reports

Create and share reports from your documents, notes, charts, forms, and tasks records.

in association with

Generate reports quickly

Creating reports is easy with just a few clicks.

Export your report

Export your report in PDF or CSV format.

Customise your report

Customise reports by setting parameters and filters.

View your report

Generate and view your report.

Select your report

Select the report you want from a list of options.

Care plan reports | A mockup of Qwikify's care plan templates.
Care plan reports | A mockup of Qwikify's care plan templates.

Improve Compliance

Generate reports from notes, forms, charts, documents and other data. Record your evidence and stay compliant.

Care plan reports | A mockup of Qwikify's care plan templates.

Improve quality

Use our reports to keep track of your records and data. Identify, manage and communicate issues and changes across your team. Take corrective action and improve quality.

Care plan reports | A mockup of Qwikify's care plan templates.

Save Time

Save time over paper processes. Generate reports in seconds.

Care plan reports | A mockup of Qwikify's care plan templates.

Organised & Secure

Generate reports at the profile and workspace level. Qwikify secures access for all your data.

Qwikify features

More features to help you manage your reports

Completely Online

Generate and access reports online.


Create reports with just a few clicks.

​Export to your favourite tools.

​Export reports in PDF or CSV format.

Audit Trail

Generate audit reports.

Better, more consistent documentation.

Ensure high-quality, consistent documentation in your organisation.


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